If you want to return part of such an order, call Customer Service or return the product to store. Please note, you will only be able to place an online return request if you're returning the entire order.

Here's how your refund works: 

Once we receive all the products we will issue your refund to your Credit Card, bank account or PayPal account as the case may be. 

If you paid by cash, here's how your refund works:
- If you return your order by calling Customer Support, you can ask for a bank transfer, a refund to My Credit in your account (if you're a registered user) or a Return Voucher (if you're a guest user). 
- If you return to a store, you can request a cash refund, a Credit Note or a refund to My Credit in your account. 
- If you place an online return request, you’ll receive a refund to My Credit in your account (if you're a registered user) or a Return Voucher (if you're a guest user).